A simple weekend movie trip can take an unexpected and devastating turn due to a careless business. Robert Carmack, a 62-year-old retiree, experienced this firsthand when a rainy day outing to his local AMC theater resulted in a life-altering slip and fall injury. His fight for justice exposes a business’s disregard for safety and the importance of fighting back.
The Day Everything Changed
It was a typical rainy October day in 2016 when Carmack and his wife decided on a matinee showing at their neighborhood AMC. Little did they know that inadequate safety measures would lead to a fall that would necessitate multiple surgeries.
Upon arrival, customers were directed through a stanchion-lined path to the ticketed entryway – a path directly over slippery terrazzo flooring. AMC’s attempt at precaution, two meager mats with a dangerous gap between, proved disastrous as Carmack slipped upon stepping off the first mat, causing severe neck, shoulder, and back injuries.
The Theater’s Desperate Defenses
Shockingly, AMC refused to accept responsibility for Carmack’s pain and suffering. Their denial tactics were a blatant attempt to escape accountability:
- The “You Tripped, Not Slipped” Ploy: They tried to shift the blame, claiming Carmack was clumsy rather than a victim of their wet floor hazard.
- “One Mat is Enough” Absurdity: They argued that minimal safety measures were sufficient, ignoring the reality of wet shoes on slippery floors.
- Minimizing the Victim’s Trauma: They heartlessly blamed Carmack’s surgeries on pre-existing health conditions, attempting to downplay the full extent of his injuries.
Justice Prevails: A $1.8 Million Victory
Robert Carmack wouldn’t back down. His legal team carefully crafted a case highlighting AMC’s negligence. Painful surgeries followed, including a two-level spinal fusion and shoulder surgery, all direct results of the fall.
The jury ultimately delivered a stunning $1.81 million verdict. Even after factoring in comparative negligence, Carmack secured a substantial $1.35 million in compensation.
Key Takeaways from Carmack’s Case
This case sends a powerful message to businesses and those injured by negligence:
- Prevention is Paramount: Especially on rainy days, property owners MUST take extra care with wet floors. Comprehensive matting or clear signage could have prevented Carmack’s injuries.
- Your Health History is YOURS: Don’t let businesses use prior conditions as an excuse to minimize your current suffering. An injury can significantly worsen existing issues.
- Stand Your Ground: Even if a business denies fault, the right legal team can expose their negligence and get you the justice you deserve.
The Power of Experts: Building an Airtight Case
Expert witnesses in Carmack’s case were instrumental in proving AMC’s responsibility. Their specialized knowledge highlighted crucial points:
- Doctors Testify to Injury Severity: Neurosurgeons and orthopedic experts demonstrated the direct link between the fall and Carmack’s subsequent surgeries and ongoing care needs.
- Standards of Care Defined: Premises liability specialists outlined the expected safety measures for wet floors, exposing AMC’s inadequate mat placement.
- Science Proves the Slip: Biomechanics experts analyzed the incident’s specifics, supporting the true nature of the fall.
Fight for Your Rights: Markosyan Law is Here to Help
Slip and fall accidents can upend your finances and well-being. If a business’s carelessness has injured you, don’t let them get away with it.
The seasoned attorneys at Markosyan Law have a proven track record of fighting for victims of negligence. We’ll stand by your side, holding businesses accountable and securing the compensation you need to move forward.
Contact us today for a free consultation. You deserve justice, and we’ll fight tirelessly to achieve it.
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